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In today’s fast-paced world, raising emotionally sensitive and anxious children is a challenging task.


As parents, we wonder how to become the main influencer our children need. How do we coach them effectively and instill discipline while respecting their emotional sensitivity?


This course is designed to help you navigate these challenges.


Through your unique connection as a parent, you can empower your children to master their emotions, harness their sensitivity, and make better decisions.


Enroll now to learn how to use your empathy and connection to guide your children. Transform instances of misbehavior into opportunities for reconnection and teaching.


Our audio-based course outlines 9 key principles that will support you in guiding your anxious and sensitive children using empathic connection.


 Harness the power of empathy to help your children take control of their world.


Join us on this journey to transform your parenting approach and build stronger, more empathic connections with your children.


Parenting isn’t merely a checklist of actions; it’s an ongoing journey of self-discovery and growth. The heart of effective parenting lies not in rigid rules or perfect execution, but in who we become—the emotional scaffolding we provide for our children. 

Don’t miss this chance to transform your parenting and your child’s life.


Enroll now and get instant access to the course and join a community of fellow huddlers, like me!


You have nothing to lose and much to gain by enrolling in our course.

What is Connected parenting?
or Empathic parenting
Parenting books and advice columns offer guidelines, but they can’t capture the nuances of your child’s unique spirit. Empathy transcends this. It’s about attuning to your child’s emotional frequency, recognizing their fears, joys, and quirks. It’s saying, “I see you, and I’m here.”

  • Empathy doesn’t mean surrendering boundaries or letting chaos reign. It’s not permissiveness. Instead, it’s understanding that beneath every behavior lies a need or emotion. When your child throws a tantrum, empathy whispers, “What’s really going on? How can I help?”

  • Empathy doesn’t require you to endorse every choice or action. It’s about accepting your child’s reality without judgment. They spill milk? You empathize with their frustration. They struggle with math? You empathize with their effort. It’s saying, “I’m with you, even when things go awry.”

  • Imagine empathy as a bridge—a sturdy one. When your child faces storms—be it fear, sadness, or confusion—they need that bridge. Trust and security form its pillars. When they stumble, they’ll reach for your hand, knowing you won’t let them fall.

  • Storms are inevitable—school stress, friendship woes, heartbreaks. Empathy prepares you. It’s the umbrella in the rain, the lighthouse in the fog. You listen, validate, and say, “I’m here. You’re not alone.”
  • Children learn empathy by witnessing it. When you show kindness to a neighbor, apologize when you’re wrong, or listen without interrupting, you model empathy. They absorb these lessons, becoming empathic beings themselves. 


  • Empathy isn’t just for your child. It extends outward—to teachers, friends, and strangers. It’s the smile you share with the harried cashier or the patience you offer the upset toddler. These ripples create a more compassionate world.


So, dear parent, embrace connection, embrace empathy.


Be the bridge, the safe harbor. When the storms rage, your child will find solace in your understanding. And together, you’ll weather the tempests, emerging stronger, wiser, and more connected. Don’t wait any longer.  


Enroll in our course today and discover the power of Connected Parenting and Empathic Discipline.  You will learn how to best: 


  • Understand your child’s sensitivity and how it affects their behavior and emotions
  • Communicate with your child in a way that builds trust and respect
  • Set healthy and realistic boundaries and expectations for your child
  • Respond to your child’s emotional storms with calmness and compassion
  • Help your child develop the skills and strategies to self-regulate and cope with stress

 Course Features:

  • 3 hours of AUDIO instruction split into small modules for easy digestion. (Why audio? Because compelling research shows that you retain more information via audio vs video.)
  • Downloadable worksheets to help consolidate your understanding and skills.
  • The Guiding your Anxious Child with Empathic Parenting E-book is FREE when you complete the course material.
  • Ask Questions on the course platform!


Here are some of the essential topics and skills you will learn in our course:

  • What is connection and why is it so important for sensitive kids?
  • How to cultivate and maintain a sense of security and trust with your child?
  • How to find balance between your needs and your child’s needs?
  • How to not sweat the small stuff and use the HALT SAVE STEP protocols to avoid unforced errors that lead to further conflict and disconnection?
  • How to be the adult and what that means in terms of responsibility and authority?
  • How to match your approach to your child’s mental age, not chronological age (learn about the practical basics of developmental stages)?
  • What are the do’s and don’ts of empathic discipline?
  • How to apply the principles of empathic discipline in action, such as problem-solving, reflecting on values, and challenging or easing off your child?
  • How to troubleshoot common conversation challenges and case studies?


You will also get access to these bonus modules that will expand your knowledge and skills even further.  Bonus modules will be added to the main course over its lifetime.

Current BONUS module library:

  • The 3 Part Empathy Model: How to use empathy to understand, validate, and support your child’s feelings and needs?
  • Empathy to Compassion: How to move from empathy to compassion and help your child develop self-compassion and empathy for others?
  • Setting Boundaries without the Guilt: How to set healthy and realistic boundaries and expectations for your child without feeling guilty or harsh?
  • Resilience: How to help your child develop the skills and strategies to cope with stress and adversity?
  • When to Challenge and When to Ease Off Your Kids? How to know when to push your child to grow and when to give them space and comfort?

Choose the Best Option for You: Lifetime Access or One Year Term


When you enroll in our course, you have two options to choose from: lifetime access or one year term. Both options will give you access to all the course materials, including the audio lessons, the worksheets, the e-book, the bonus modules, and the community. However, there are some differences between them that you should consider before making your decision.


  • Lifetime Access: This option is for you if you want to make a one-time investment and enjoy the benefits of our course forever. You will pay a single fee and get access to the course for as long as Huddle Wisdom exists. You will also get access to any updates or additions we make to the course in the future, at no extra cost. You will never have to worry about missing out on any new content or paying more if the price of the course goes up. This option will save you money and hassle in the long run.




  • One Year Term: This option is for you if you prefer to pay a lower fee and get access to the course for one year. You will still get plenty of value from our course, as you will learn skills and strategies that are worth so much more than money (but we’re biased!). However, you will have to renew your subscription every year if you want to keep access to the course and the community. You will also have to pay more if the price of the course goes up in the future. This option will give you more flexibility and affordability in the short term.


Both options are great, and you can’t go wrong with either one. It all depends on your preferences and needs. Whatever option you choose, you will be making a wise investment in your child’s future and yours.


So, what are you waiting for? Choose the best option for you and enroll in our course today!




One payment


1 Year Term


12 month access


More Reasons Not To Miss This Course


As parents, every decision we make for our children is important, especially when it comes to investing our hard-earned money. We want to make sure that the resources we choose will truly make a difference in their lives.


I am confident that the value this course offers is priceless.


Here’s why:


Long-Term Benefits: you get invaluable knowledge and practical strategies that will positively impact your child’s life for years to come. 


Avoid Costly Mistakes:  I've made a lot of mistakes. Parenting can be a challenging journey, and it’s easy to make mistakes along the way. By learning from my experience and avoiding common pitfalls, you’ll save yourself from costly trial-and-error approaches that may not yield the desired results.


The course is developed and delivered by me! A fellow huddler!  


If you're still not sure, read my 'Happiness Guarantee'

Frequently Asked Questions


Van Taylor, Environmental Educator


I bought the ‘Practice of Empathetic Discipline’ course after listening to the Huddle Wisdom podcast and reading Davin’s blog. Having empathy for your children sounds like a no-brainer, so I was keen to learn how to incorporate the concept into how I discipline my three kids. I was happy to see that Davin outlines a systematic approach that’s pretty easy to remember and employ in different parenting situations.

 I’ve read quite a few other parenting books and articles in the past, which were all valuable but left me feeling like I owned a collection of disconnected methods and ‘tricks’. Probably the biggest thing I’ve taken way from the ‘Practice of Empathetic Discipline’ course is I now feel that Davins' concept of ‘empathetic parenting’ will be the underlying foundation for every other parenting resource I use. It’s something I can fall back on during those emotional storms when everything else goes out the window. I only wish I had been given Davin’s work at the beginning of my parenting journey.


*the Practice of Empathic Discipline is the previous name of the 'Guiding Anxious Kids' Course. I.e. it is the same.


Ilia Lindsay, Clinical Psychologist, Psychology Lead at Komodo


I have been using and recommending the course and resources "The Practice of Empathic Discipline" with many of the families I work with in private practice. The resources are informative, easy to understand and include such practical exercises and activities. Feedback from the families I work with is that these resources have been helpful particularly for parents of children with ADHD.

Happiness Guarantee


I care about your satisfaction and success. That’s why I offer a no-risk, no-hassle, happiness guarantee for all our digital products.


This means that if you are unhappy with any of my products for any reason, you can request a full refund anytime! (yup). No questions asked, no hard feelings.


I stand by my products because I believe that they can help you and your child thrive and flourish.


I want to make sure that you have all the tools you need to empower your child’s growth and well-being. That’s my mission and my passion.


So, go ahead and enrol today. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.


And if you’re not happy, I'm not happy. I’ll gladly give you your money back, no questions asked. That’s my happiness guarantee.

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