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Understanding Accurate Empathy: The Three Components

empathy Jun 16, 2022
 Understanding Accurate Empathy: The Three Components

At its core, empathy requires an understanding of three essential components. These components are: cognition (thoughts), affect (emotion), and perception (feelings).

Perception, for instance, is the ability to sense things through our senses. Although intangible, it is real. The wind, for example, can be felt but not seen. Similarly, when we feel an unexplainable connection to someone, it's like the invisible pull of a magnetic force.

However, empathy is not just about perception. Overemphasizing this component can lead to inaccurate empathizing due to neglecting the other components. Therefore, all three components need to be considered for optimal balance and impactful empathizing.

By training yourself to be sensitive to the relative "weight" of each component in any given moment, your empathic skills will improve significantly. This understanding can help to decrease the likelihood of invalidating someone and increase your ability to connect effectively.

Think of moments when you and your best friend were in sync. This is the result of optimal blending of cognitive, affective, and perception components. You can't see it happening, but you can sense and feel it - that's the connection.

In contrast, we all know the painful feeling of being misunderstood or invalidated by a friend or family member. By being aware of the three components actively in play moment by moment, we can significantly increase our ability to connect effectively and decrease the likelihood of invalidating someone.

Turmoil into Tranquility?


Meltdowns overwhelming you?


You’re not alone. Many of us parents grapple with our kids' intense outbursts, feeling a mix of frustration, helplessness, and guilt.

There is hope.


You can learn to guide your child through their storms with greater ease and assurance, forging a deeper connection in the process.

Let me show you what I mean.


Join me in the complimentary video/lecture ‘Navigating Meltdowns: Aiding Your Child and Yourself Amidst Emotional Highs,’ where you’ll gain insights on:

  • The roots of meltdowns

  • Distinguishing between everyday issues and overwhelming meltdowns

  • Proactive measures to avert and mitigate meltdowns

  • Supportive responses to help your child during challenging moments

  • Essential recovery and bonding steps post-meltdown


This guidance is drawn from my dual expertise as both a parent and a psychiatrist.

Seize the chance to access a treasure trove of wisdom at no cost.

Simply provide your name and email below, and I’ll promptly share the link for immediate viewing.


Get through Emotional Storms with Confidence


Swamped by tantrums?


Master the art of calm with empathetic strategies from a seasoned child psychiatrist.


A straightforward approach that works.


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Struggling to communicate with your children?

Learn ways to support them even when words fail.