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Apologising does not mean defeat

Uncategorized Mar 16, 2022
As a physician, my job is to provide advice to patients, but I have to admit that I don't always follow my own advice. It's not that I don't believe in it, but I'm just not good at applying it to my own life.

One of the questions that has been on my mind is, do we apologize enough? Personally, I don't think I say sorry as much as I should. Taking responsibility for our actions, whether good or bad, can be difficult. It means acknowledging our mistakes and the harm they may have caused, whether intentional or not. But apologizing is a crucial step towards healing and growth. It's not about justifying our actions, but rather about acknowledging them.

Forgiveness is also an important part of this process. It's easy to hold onto past hurts and resentments, but in the end, it only weighs us down. Letting go of things we can't control can be liberating. It's a chance to move forward with a lighter heart and a newfound sense of purpose.

With our children, we don't lose our credibility if we say sorry...but we might, if we don't apologise when we should.  

I dive into this a bit more on the episode 13 of the Huddle Wisdom podcast. Come check it out. Sorry not sorry

Turmoil into Tranquility?


Meltdowns overwhelming you?


You’re not alone. Many of us parents grapple with our kids' intense outbursts, feeling a mix of frustration, helplessness, and guilt.

There is hope.


You can learn to guide your child through their storms with greater ease and assurance, forging a deeper connection in the process.

Let me show you what I mean.


Join me in the complimentary video/lecture ‘Navigating Meltdowns: Aiding Your Child and Yourself Amidst Emotional Highs,’ where you’ll gain insights on:

  • The roots of meltdowns

  • Distinguishing between everyday issues and overwhelming meltdowns

  • Proactive measures to avert and mitigate meltdowns

  • Supportive responses to help your child during challenging moments

  • Essential recovery and bonding steps post-meltdown


This guidance is drawn from my dual expertise as both a parent and a psychiatrist.

Seize the chance to access a treasure trove of wisdom at no cost.

Simply provide your name and email below, and I’ll promptly share the link for immediate viewing.


Get through Emotional Storms with Confidence


Swamped by tantrums?


Master the art of calm with empathetic strategies from a seasoned child psychiatrist.


A straightforward approach that works.


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Learn ways to support them even when words fail.