Parenting Anxious Kids with Huddle Wisdom

Helping parents prepare anxious kids for modern times

Checklists: A Pilot’s Secret Weapon and a Parent’s Best Friend

Have you ever marveled at how pilots manage to fly complex aircraft safely? The secret lies in a deceptively simple tool: checklists!

In the world of aviation, checklists are more than just a mundane list of tasks. They are a critical lifeline that pilots rely on to ensure they don’t miss any crucial steps and that all systems function flawlessly. By following a systematic order, checklists make the process logical and prevent any steps from slipping through the cracks or being incorrectly set. But here’s the exciting part: this methodical approach isn’t exclusive to flying airplanes—it’s a strategy we can seamlessly integrate into our daily lives, especially as parents.

Checklists for Parents: A Low-Cost, High-Reward Solution

Just like pilots, we parents have an intricate and vital job to perform. Our responsibilities range from managing household chores to nurturing our children’s growth and well-being. Amidst the chaos of parenting, we can...

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How Empathy Can Help Your Child Overcome School Refusal

school refusal Feb 03, 2024

School refusal is a term that describes a situation where a child feels anxious or fearful about going to school, or avoids attending school altogether. This can negatively impact their academic, social, and emotional development, and cause stress for parents who want their child to succeed. However, parents can help their children overcome school refusal by using empathy.

Understanding School Refusal

Children may refuse to go to school for various reasons. They might be dealing with academic pressures, social anxieties, or personal issues that make the school environment feel overwhelming. Regardless of the reason, school refusal can lead to significant academic setbacks and social isolation if not addressed promptly and effectively.

The Role of Empathy in Overcoming School Refusal

Empathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person, is a powerful tool that parents can use to support their child. By empathizing with their child’s fears and anxieties,...

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Make powerful connections with impact

If your kids won't talk to you, how are you going to help or support them?