Finding the Right Balance: Encouraging Kids to Push Themselves

parenting Mar 09, 2022

 As parents, we often find it difficult to determine the appropriate amount of pressure to place on our children when we believe it will benefit them. If you're met with resistance, consider the following before deciding how much pressure to apply:

  • Check your motivations - While it's great to witness your child experience the satisfaction of accomplishment, are you pushing them for selfish reasons?
  • Assess their temperament, interests, and stage of development in relation to the activity. Understanding your child's personality and learning style is crucial to determining how much encouragement they can manage.
  • Evaluate their skill set. Do they possess the necessary abilities to handle the challenges of the task at hand? Perhaps they need additional support to develop specific skills that will increase their enjoyment of the activity.

When you're ready to push your child, apply gentle pressure, much like when teaching them how to ride a bike.

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Do you struggle with your child’s meltdowns?

If you’re a parent of a child who has frequent and intense emotional outbursts, you know how hard it can be to deal with them. You want to help your child calm down, but you don’t know how. You feel frustrated, helpless, and guilty.

But you don’t have to feel this way. There is a way to navigate meltdowns with more ease and confidence. There is a way to help your child manage their emotions better and build a stronger bond with them.

And I’m going to show you how.

In my free video/lecture Navigating Meltdowns: How to Help Your Child and Yourself When Emotions Run High, you’ll learn:

  • What causes of meltdowns
  • The difference between problems and meltdowns
  • The best strategies to prevent and reduce meltdowns
  • The most effective ways to respond and support your child during a meltdown
  • The key steps to recover and reconnect after a meltdown

This stuff is based on my personal and professional experience as a parent and a therapist. I’ve helped hundreds of parents like you overcome the challenges of meltdowns and create a more peaceful and positive family life.

Don’t miss this opportunity to get this valuable resource for free. Just enter your name and email below and I’ll send you to the link so you can watch the video right away.


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