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Balancing Our Impulses: The Lizard Brain vs. The Wizard Brain


At times, we let our impulses take over in the heat of the moment, when our lizard brains become too dominant. It's not entirely our fault, as our limbic systems are designed to engage when we perceive a threat or danger in our surroundings.

Yet, there are moments when we require the guidance of a wizard to keep our lizard brain in check. We need someone to evaluate the situation with greater finesse so we don't make hasty decisions that we may later regret.

Undoubtedly, our lizard brain is vital in steering us away from danger or helping us to address it if it arises. However, we may overly rely on our lizard brain when making decisions about the future and overestimate potential threats. That's when our wizard brain is more advantageous.

The truth is, we need both the lizard and wizard to function optimally. Yet, it's advisable that the wizard ride the lizard, rather than the other way around.

Tune in to Episode 7 of the Huddle Wisdom Podcast where I talk about this a bit more. 

Lizards and Wizards






**Empower Your Parenting with the Science of the Brain**



Dive into the groundbreaking book, "The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind," by Daniel J. Siegel, M.D., and Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D. This New York Times Bestseller offers a revolutionary approach to child rearing, combining the latest neuroscience research with practical strategies to foster healthy brain development.

Discover how to navigate your child's tantrums, fears, and struggles by understanding how their brain is wired and matures. The authors reveal the importance of integrating the emotional right brain with the logical left brain, creating opportunities for growth even in challenging moments.

With "The Whole-Brain Child," you'll learn to:
- Calm emotional storms with storytelling techniques.
- Engage your child's mind to keep them thinking and listening.
- Use movement to shift emotional states.
- Teach your child to observe and manage their emotions and thoughts.

This book is an invaluable tool for parents aiming to raise calmer, happier children who lead balanced, meaningful, and connected lives. Click here to get your copy and start transforming your family dynamics today!

Turmoil into Tranquility?


Meltdowns overwhelming you?


You’re not alone. Many of us parents grapple with our kids' intense outbursts, feeling a mix of frustration, helplessness, and guilt.

There is hope.


You can learn to guide your child through their storms with greater ease and assurance, forging a deeper connection in the process.

Let me show you what I mean.


Join me in the complimentary video/lecture ‘Navigating Meltdowns: Aiding Your Child and Yourself Amidst Emotional Highs,’ where you’ll gain insights on:

  • The roots of meltdowns

  • Distinguishing between everyday issues and overwhelming meltdowns

  • Proactive measures to avert and mitigate meltdowns

  • Supportive responses to help your child during challenging moments

  • Essential recovery and bonding steps post-meltdown


This guidance is drawn from my dual expertise as both a parent and a psychiatrist.

Seize the chance to access a treasure trove of wisdom at no cost.

Simply provide your name and email below, and I’ll promptly share the link for immediate viewing.


Get through Emotional Storms with Confidence


Swamped by tantrums?


Master the art of calm with empathetic strategies from a seasoned child psychiatrist.


A straightforward approach that works.


Meaningful Bonds for Lasting Influence


Struggling to communicate with your children?

Learn ways to support them even when words fail.