Parenting Anxious Kids with Huddle Wisdom

Helping parents prepare anxious kids for modern times

Encouraging Children to Express Emotions Non-Verbally

I wanted to share one of my favourite tips for helping kids talk about emotions (using an empathic approach). And you actually don't have to do a heap of talking yourself! Jump in and check it out now!  

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Tips for Dealing with Picky Eaters


In most cases, fussy eating is a part of growing up. It's an expression of independent thinking and a need for mastery and control over one's environment, body and choices. But, I don't hear parents celebrating! Fussy eating can be exasperating.

But let's take a step back and think a little bit about what we would be doing if we were presented with limited food options that didn't appeal to us. Have you ever travelled some place where the food wasn't really stuff you'd eat? How did the locals treat you? Did they force feed you? If they did, I'm sure you wouldn't visit right? (1 star review!!!) We might be curious about the strange new foods there but we'd prefer to try them at our own speed. 

Here are some tips to help you adjust your 'speed' and help your kids try the 'local' cuisine in your household. 

The first thing is to keep your cool around meal times to minimise stress for your child (I know you will be stressed enough for the both of you); otherwise, Kids will...

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What does an emotional storm look like?


 Understanding Emotional Storms with the Help of a Pictogram

Visualizing the various stages of an emotional storm can be very beneficial. By using a pictogram, you can identify the antecedents that fuel the storm, as well as the factors that dissipate its power. This approach can help you develop a deeper understanding of how emotional storms operate, so you can better navigate them in your life.

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Tips for Dealing with Backchatting Children

parenting Mar 26, 2022



If you're struggling with a child who seems to be backchatting you, it's important to remember that this behaviour is neither good nor bad – it's simply their way of communicating that they're struggling with the demands of the environment. Try not to take it personally; it's difficult not to be offended by the know-it-all attitude of a child, but it's important to remain calm and rational.

Here are some tips to help you deal with backchatting:

  1. Be the adult. Take a deep breath and avoid getting caught up in the argument. Nothing gets solved by escalating the situation.
  2. Set the tone in your household by establishing rules of engagement. Praise your children when they follow these rules, as this will reinforce the behaviour you want to see. It's better to acknowledge good behaviour than to scold bad behaviour.

Listen to Episode 008 on the Huddle Wisdom Podcast for a little more...Dealing with Backchatting.

If you want to get a better handle of empathic...

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Managing Emotions in the Heat of the Moment: Using the H.A.L.T Acronym

parenting Mar 26, 2022


As grown-ups, it's often challenging to manage the intense emotions our children stir within us. It's tempting to react impulsively, but it's crucial to keep our calm and avoid regrettable behavior.

The H.A.L.T acronym is a simple yet effective tool to regulate our emotions.

H is for Hunger – Most of us function poorly when we're famished, and our kids are no different. Providing them with nutritious snacks and meals throughout the day can help keep them satiated and focused.

A is for Angry – It's essential to acknowledge and validate our children's emotions, but it's equally crucial to choose our moments wisely. Waiting for the flames to subside before disciplining or teaching is more effective than reacting impulsively.

L is for Lonely or Lost – Sometimes, our children feel disconnected, and it's our job to bridge that gap. Reconnecting with them through play, conversation, and shared meals can help them feel more secure and settled.

T is for...

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Finding the Right Balance: Encouraging Kids to Push Themselves

parenting Mar 09, 2022

 As parents, we often find it difficult to determine the appropriate amount of pressure to place on our children when we believe it will benefit them. If you're met with resistance, consider the following before deciding how much pressure to apply:

  • Check your motivations - While it's great to witness your child experience the satisfaction of accomplishment, are you pushing them for selfish reasons?
  • Assess their temperament, interests, and stage of development in relation to the activity. Understanding your child's personality and learning style is crucial to determining how much encouragement they can manage.
  • Evaluate their skill set. Do they possess the necessary abilities to handle the challenges of the task at hand? Perhaps they need additional support to develop specific skills that will increase their enjoyment of the activity.

When you're ready to push your child, apply gentle pressure, much like when teaching them how to ride a bike.

We hope this advice is helpful!...

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Make powerful connections with impact

If your kids won't talk to you, how are you going to help or support them?