Making Sense of Anxious Children: Easy Self-Paced Course that Brings Big Change

Helping Anxious Kids Thrive

Expert Tips from a Child Psychiatrist


🤯 2024 Broke Me... But THIS Unexpected Strategy Saved My Family (and My Sanity!) 🤯

Navigating the Undercurrents: Parenting Through the Turbulence of 2024

2024 was a year that tested me. The relentless bombings from my work life coupled with the ever-present demands of family, often left me feeling adrift in a sea of exhaustion. There were days when the weight of it all threatened to pull me under.

But parenting (or perhaps my children?), it seems, was a life vest that refuses to let go - it just took me a while to figure out that they were more of a life vest than a weight in 2024. Even when my own strength faltered, the needs of my children kept me afloat. And in the struggle to stay above water, I discovered a deeper understanding of resilience – not as a triumphant return to shore, but as a relentless navigation of the undercurrents.

Resilience wasn't about erasing the impact of the storm; it was about charting a new course through the choppy waters. It was about making deliberate choices, even when my inner compass spun wildly.

Intentionality as an...

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The Difference between Risk and Uncertainty: Tightrope Walking

Risk and uncertainty are two different beasts, yet our brains often lump them together. Our minds detest uncertainty.

Perhaps by learning to distinguish between the two, we can take up better control of our anxiety.

Understanding the real risks in any situation and accepting that uncertainty is a part of life is crucial. Step back, evaluate the risk, assign it a value—low or high—and manage it as best you can.

I think this approach helps us handle uncertainty in a more grounded way, keeping anxiety at bay instead of letting it overwhelm us...hopefully. I've worked with this a bit personally and in does kinda help a bit.

Imagine the tightrope walker as a child dealing with anxiety—balancing on that rope represents their struggle to manage their fears and uncertainties. The safety net below is like the support system we create for them, ensuring they don’t fall too far if things get tough -sometimes we appraise risk incorrectly and believe we will...

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Games to Enhance Social Skills at Home

Strengthening Connections and Building Social Competence

As parents, we recognise the importance of nurturing our children’s social skills. These abilities not only enhance their interactions with others but also contribute to their overall well-being. Whether your child is neurotypical or neurodiverse, engaging in social activities can be both enjoyable and educational.

Role-Playing Conversations: This activity immerses your child in various scenarios, allowing them to step into the shoes of different characters. They’ll practice active listening and explore various conversational styles, fostering empathy and effective communication skills. It’s a fun way to experience different perspectives and understand the nuances of conversation.

“Would You Rather” Questions: This game is a catalyst for intriguing discussions! By posing thought-provoking questions like, “Would you rather explore outer space or dive into the deep ocean?” your child is...

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Kids can be so confusing!

mental models Apr 29, 2024

I hope this message finds you well. Today, I wanted to share a simple yet profound lesson that unfolded right in my kitchen.

It involves a young girl and her choice of cup—a blue one over another adorned with Elsa from Frozen. While it may seem like a minor detail, it's a significant one for her. Both cups fulfill the same function, yet she is adamant about her preference.

This scenario might perplex some. Why does it matter? It's just a cup, after all. But for her, it's not just about the vessel—it's about consistency and comfort in her daily life. The wrong cup can unsettle her, a reminder that even the smallest choices can have a big impact on someone's day.

As adults, we might overlook such nuances. We see two cups; she sees a choice that defines her day. We see water; she sees a cherished part of her routine. We see an ordinary object; she sees an extension of her identity.

When we mistakenly hand her the Elsa cup, her reaction is more than a fleeting tantrum. It's...

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Navigating the Silent Treatment: A Parent’s Guide

Navigating the Silent Treatment: A Parent’s Guide

Parenting is a journey, one that is filled with unique challenges. One such challenge that we often encounter is dealing with the silent treatment from our children. This can be a frustrating situation, but it’s important to remember that it’s not about us, even if it feels personal. It’s about their emotions—they might be overwhelmed, frustrated, or misunderstood, possibly lacking the words to articulate their feelings.

A Simple Framework

Before we delve into the silent treatment specifically, let’s talk about a simple framework that can guide us in reacting to confounding behaviors in a helpful way. This framework is based on giving our children the benefit of the doubt and asking two questions:

  1. What’s going on in the environment?
  2. What skills does my child need to deal with the environment?

This framework won’t guarantee perfect solutions, but it will keep you in reasonably good...

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Navigating the Digital Age with Empathy: A Guide for Parents


The digital age has brought us many wonders, but it has also brought a host of dangers, especially for our children. As parents, we must be the guiding light that illuminates their path. With so many things vying for their attention, how can we connect with them? The key to this is empathy.

Empathy is vital because it fosters trust, which is the foundation of human connection. While much has been said about the cognitive and affective components of empathy, it's important to note the richness of the perceptual aspects of empathy.

To cultivate this often neglected but powerful aspect of empathic connection, we must first understand how to empathize with our children. By doing so, we can create a deeper understanding of their perspectives and feelings. As parents, we can then use this knowledge to provide better guidance and support.

Let me show you how you can start to cultivate this crucial aspect of empathic connection with your children.

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Stop feeling guilty about setting boundaries with your children!

mental models parenting Aug 31, 2022


 Empathy as a Parenting Tool: The Importance of Setting Boundaries

Empathy is a crucial tool in connecting with our children, but it is not synonymous with yielding to their every demand. As adults, it is our responsibility to demonstrate that boundaries must be respected in life, whether these are legal boundaries or simply a person's private space. Although it is natural to feel guilty when a child pushes back against boundaries we set, it is important to avoid caving in, as this is not in anyone's best interest.

Our upbringing can play a significant role in where we draw the line when it comes to rules and boundaries, so it is essential to reflect on our own experiences. Similarly, our children's struggles to come to terms with boundaries are expected and should be anticipated. We need to be prepared for pushback and provide a clear rationale if questioned about certain rules, but we should also not be surprised if our kids whine or complain. Expecting some degree...

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Managing Life's Ups and Downs : A Therapist's Perspective


During a recent session with one of my patients (he's 8), our conversation took an unexpected turn. We delved into how they, like many others, struggle with mood and anxiety in their daily lives. Sometimes, it can feel like everything is out of our control, and that life is just a series of ups and downs. But it's important to remember that we have the power to control our thoughts and perceptions.

While we can't change the reality of what happens in our lives, we can change how we interpret and respond to it. It's easy to get caught up in our emotions, but by slowing down our thought processes, we can better understand and manage our feelings. This can lead to a greater sense of control and peace of mind.

So let's take a step back and remember – even if it's just for a moment – that life's challenges are like poos and wees; they may not always be pleasant, but we can learn to cope and move forward.

 Watch these videos here if you want to learn how to...

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Courage and Compassion: A Powerful Combination

compassion mental models Aug 10, 2022

 As Dave Chappelle aptly points out, we live in a time of spin and manipulation. This often makes us wary of those who don't share our views or opinions. In some cases, we might even view people who are overly kind or sympathetic as naive or foolish. But it's precisely this courage to believe in the innate goodness of others that makes us extraordinary.

Imagine a world where we looked at each other with empathy and compassion. Dare to think differently, to feel differently. It could be a truly transformative experience. So let's take a deep breath and summon the courage to be compassionate, even when it's not the easiest path to take.

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Teaching Empathy to Children: A brief Guide

empathy mental models Jul 15, 2022

 Teaching Empathy to Children: A  brief Guide

Empathy plays a vital role in creating genuine human connections. Not only does it help us become more impactful in the world, but it also facilitates trust, which is critical for winning hearts and minds.

Empathy is a multidimensional concept with numerous attributes that contribute to its effectiveness. While we are still learning about how to express empathy, we are also discovering how to systematize and foster skills that can improve our empathetic capacity.

A child's empathic skill development is influenced by a wide range of experiences, including the way caregivers relate, communicate, and convey their mental models of the world to them. Cultural and social media influences also play a significant role in shaping young minds.

As a parent or teacher, you have a crucial role to play in the development of empathy in children. Raising a child in the digital age is not for the complacent. While you cannot predict what...

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Meaningful Bonds for Lasting Influence


Struggling to communicate with your children?

Learn ways to support them even when words fail.