Supporting Anxious Children
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Parenting Anxious Kids

Expert Tips from a Child Psychiatrist


Conquer School Anxiety: A Must-Read eBook for Parents

Are you a parent grappling with your child’s school anxiety? Do you feel helpless, not knowing how to support your child? If so, we have something that might just be the solution you’ve been searching for.

I'm are thrilled to introduce our eBook, “Conquering School Anxiety”. It's FREE!

This comprehensive guide is the culmination of extensive research and practical strategies designed to help parents like you navigate the challenging landscape of school anxiety.

What’s Inside?

“Conquering School Anxiety” offers a wealth of knowledge and practical advice:

  • Understanding Anxiety: Gain a deeper understanding of what your child is going through. Learn about the different types of anxiety and their triggers.

  • Effective Communication: Discover how to communicate effectively with your anxious child, fostering an environment of trust and empathy.

  • Collaborating with Schools: Learn how to work with your child’s school to create a safe and...

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Building Resilience Through Bedtime Stories


Growing up, I often heard stories about my parents’ journey as immigrants. They faced countless hardships, from language barriers to financial struggles, yet they never gave up. Their unwavering determination and resilience were driven by a single goal: to provide a better future for their children. Even when the chips were down, they persevered, teaching me the invaluable lesson that resilience and perseverance can lead to success. Inspired by their journey, I strive to instill these same values in my own children. One delightful and effective method is through bedtime stories. Here are some wonderful books that can teach children about resilience while making bedtime a cherished ritual.

1. “The Most Magnificent Thing” by Ashley Spires

This charming picture book tells the story of a girl who sets out to create the most magnificent thing but faces numerous challenges along the way. It teaches children about perseverance and the importance of not giving...

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Unravelling Childhood Anxiety: Causes, Triggers and Management

Uncategorized Jul 22, 2024

 What are the factors that cause anxiety to spike in children? Thank you to Tara Janu on LinkedIn for suggesting this topic.

Exploring the Factors that Cause Anxiety in Children

Anxiety is a common emotion experienced by everyone, including children. However, when it starts to interfere with a child’s daily life, it becomes a real concern. As parents we can feel somewhat helpless and a little lost at times because anxiety manifested in myriad ways can be confounding. 

Anxiety in children is essentially a response to perceived threats or imagined threats and of course real threats (so it is a natural thing). It’s a normal part of growing up, indicating that children are beginning to understand the world around them and their limits. But when these fears or worries become too intense, persist longer than usual, or disrupt their life for more than six months, it could indicate an anxiety disorder - it's important that you are able to get help from folks you...

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Understanding and Supporting Anxious, Sensitive, and Perfectionist Children

adler anxiety perfectionism Jul 21, 2024

Check this out:

Imagine a 10 year old lad, Evan. Evan had spent the entire day working on a wooden box, carefully etching an intricate dragon onto the lid. His mother, seeing the finished product, was amazed. “Evan, this is incredible! I didn’t know you could do that!” she exclaimed with genuine admiration.

To her surprise, Evan scowled and shouted, “Shut up! It’s rubbish! I hate you!” He then threw the box across the room, where it shattered against the wall.



Evan’s reaction illustrates a common trait among perfectionist children: an inability to accept praise and a harsh self-criticism. These children often equate their self-worth with their accomplishments, and any perceived imperfection can trigger intense frustration. Some children may even avoid completing tasks or trying new things to evade potential failure.

No amount of praise will give Evan encouragement. He must be perfect. Praise only adds to his belief that...

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Top Parenting Books for Montessori Parents with Anxious Sensitive Kids

As we journey through the world of parenting, we often find ourselves navigating uncharted territories. One such territory is understanding and supporting our anxious children. Anxiety can manifest in many ways and each child experiences it differently. It’s our role as parents to provide a safe, understanding, and nurturing environment for our children to thrive.

In this blog post, we will explore some valuable resources that can guide us in this journey. These books offer a wealth of knowledge from experts in child development, education, and psychology. They provide practical strategies, insights, and a deeper understanding of how to support our anxious children.

From the Montessori approach to positive discipline, these books cover a wide range of topics that are relevant to our experiences as parents. Whether you’re new to parenting or have years of experience, these resources can provide fresh perspectives and effective strategies to help you support your...

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Society Gets the Criminals It Deserves: A Call for Change

Whilst the prospect may seem daunting, it is essential to confront the stark realities that we, and our children, are being steered towards - a world teeming with profound pain, tragedy, and horror. I may appear as a harbinger of doom, ceaselessly alerting about an imminent crisis. My concerns might be dismissed as hyperbole, but I am merely amplifying the sentiments of my spirit animal, Dr. Alexandre Lacassagne.


Dr. Alexandre Lacassagne, a trailblazer in forensic science, astutely observed, “Justice withers, prison corrupts, and society gets the criminals it deserves.” This insightful statement, articulated over a century ago, echoes louder today. As we scrutinise our environment, it becomes clear that the social determinants of crime and mental illness are closely intertwined, and our current systems fall short in addressing these fundamental issues.


I am convinced that it is only a matter of time before the younger generation grapples with...

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Mini Eco-Warriors: Navigating Queries & Saving Planets

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Travelling With Autism: A Psychiatrists' Tips

Picture this: You’re embarking on a family journey, the road stretching endlessly before you, treats within arm’s reach, and your beloved melodies filling the car. Suddenly, the peaceful ambiance is disrupted by a commotion from the backseat. Your child, who is on the autism spectrum, is grappling with the sensory bombardment of the journey. Amid the turmoil, you find yourself laughing at the paradox of your carefully orchestrated “calm” vacation morphing into a scene straight out of a farcical comedy.


Preparation is paramount. As the saying goes, fortune favors the prepared. Yet, no amount of preparation can completely eliminate discomfort. Nevertheless, you are capable, and you can create beautiful, meaningful memories with your children in the great outdoors.


Addressing sensory challenges during travel is crucial, as sensory overload is a common obstacle for children with autism.


There are several books available on Amazon that...

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BOOKS: Can Fiction Show us the realities of Parenting?

At times, our existence is so saturated with the hustle and bustle of daily life that it becomes essential to pause and rejuvenate ourselves. Reading, for many of us, serves as a sanctuary, a haven of tranquility. However, we may sometimes grapple with guilt, perceiving this retreat as a form of escapism or a misuse of time.

To address this, I’ve curated a selection of fiction books that impart valuable lessons about parenting. This allows you to indulge in your well-deserved respite, vicariously live through characters unrelated to you, and simultaneously glean insights on enhancing your parenting skills.

Fiction books can be a treasure trove of wisdom, shedding light on the intricacies of parenting and its associated challenges. They offer readers the opportunity to view situations from diverse angles, learn from the experiences of others, and cultivate empathy for a variety of parenting scenarios. Moreover, delving into fiction can serve as an escape, enabling parents...

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7 Parenting Books for Anxious Kids : Recommended by a Child and Forensic Psychiatrist


As a child and forensic psychiatrist, I’ve witnessed firsthand the impact of anxiety on our tamariki. Childhood anxiety isn’t some distant concept—it’s a real experience that affects millions of our kids (and even adults). It’s like a rising tide, threatening to engulf our whānau. From separation anxiety to those all-encompassing worries, these emotions can hold our little ones hostage.


Anxiety isn’t just a fancy word; it’s a lived reality for our tamariki. Recent studies show that approximately 1 in 8 children grapple with anxiety-related challenges. These feelings might show up as persistent worry, fear of specific situations, or even physical symptoms like puku aches and headaches. As parents, recognizing these signs early is our superpower.


Whānau like you are the kaitiaki of their child’s emotional landscape. Our responses and actions matter—they significantly shape how our kids perceive and...

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Get through Emotional Storms with Confidence


Swamped by tantrums?


Master the art of calm with empathetic strategies from a seasoned child psychiatrist.


A straightforward approach that works.


Meaningful Bonds for Lasting Influence


Struggling to communicate with your children?

Learn ways to support them even when words fail.