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Parenting Anxious Kids

Expert Tips from a Child Psychiatrist


Thinking about psychopathy and egocentricism in children

Uncategorized Apr 29, 2024

Psychopath or Just Full of Themselves?

As a parent, you've probably had moments where you've looked at your child and wondered, "Is my kid a budding genius, a future leader, or plotting to take over the world?" Fear not, dear parents, for you are not alone in this conundrum. The line between a child being egocentric and showing signs of psychopathy can be as thin as the patience you have left after a two-hour tantrum over the wrong color of juice cup!


Egocentrism: It's All About Me, Myself, and I


First, let's talk about egocentrism. This is a stage where your little one believes the world revolves around them. They're not being selfish; they're just the star of their own movie, and everyone else is a supporting actor.


Signs of Egocentrism:


- Your child thinks the moon follows them personally.

- They believe they can sing better than any contestant on "The Voice Kids" (auto-tune has nothing on them).

- Sharing is caring, but not in their dictionary (yet)....

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The Empathic Parent's Guide to Eating Humble Pie

Uncategorized Apr 25, 2024

Let's face it, fellow parents, sometimes our pride is the hardest thing to digest.

I've had my fair share of moments where my pride was as swollen as a diaper on a long car ride.

But here's the scoop on how to swallow that pride – with a spoonful of humor and a dash of self-awareness:

 1. Admit When You're Wrong: Yes, even when your toddler's argument is based solely on their belief that unicorns are real and they should be allowed to eat glitter.

2. Apologize Like You Mean It: Because nothing says 'I'm sorry' like doing the 'I was wrong' dance.

3. Learn and Laugh: Remember that time you swore you'd never be 'that' parent? Well, look at you now, wearing a macaroni necklace to work because it's your kiddo's haute couture.

4. Embrace the Mess: If your living room looks like a toy bomb exploded, just throw some glitter on it and call it a 'sensory development environment'.

5. Ask for Help: It's okay to ask for directions, even if you've already circled...

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Setting Screen Time Rules in Your Home for Visiting Children

checklist screentime Apr 22, 2024

In today's digital age, managing screen time for children is a challenge many parents face, especially when hosting kids who are not their own. Here's a guide to help you set screen time rules in your home that respect your values while being mindful of other children's habits.


Understanding the Importance of Screen Time Rules

Excessive screen time can lead to various issues in children, such as reduced physical activity, less face-to-face interaction, and potential impacts on psychological well-being¹. It's crucial to establish clear guidelines to ensure that screen time doesn't overshadow other valuable activities.


Establishing Clear Guidelines

1. Communicate with Parents: Before the playdate, discuss screen time preferences with the other children's parents to understand their rules and expectations.

2. Set Expectations Early: Let the children know the screen time rules as soon as they arrive, so they're aware of the boundaries.

3. Create a Balanced Schedule:...

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The Power of Adult Connections: Tackling School Anxiety and Refusal

Uncategorized Apr 21, 2024

 School can be hard for many kids. They have to deal with academic pressure, social challenges, and new situations. All of this can cause anxiety. Some kids even refuse to go to school because they are too scared or stressed. As educators and parents, we need to work together to create a supportive environment that helps kids succeed. Let’s see how adult connections make a big difference in this process.

  1. Teachers as Anchors Creating a Safe Haven Teachers are not just teachers; they are anchors for our kids. When teachers make kids feel safe, trusted, and cared for, kids do better. Research shows that kids who feel loved by their teachers learn more. Why? Because when kids feel safe with someone, their brains are ready to learn. Without this feeling of safety, the brain is focused on survival instead of learning.

Moving Beyond Fear-Based Discipline Fear does not help—it hurts. Old-fashioned ways of discipline like suspensions, stand-downs, or public rankings...

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Navigating the Anxiety Wave: A Compassionate Approach to Parenting

anxiety compassion Apr 21, 2024

Navigating the Anxiety Wave: A Compassionate Approach to Parenting

In the whirlwind of our modern, hyper-connected lives, we often find our children grappling with anxiety. As parents, educators, and members of society, we may unintentionally contribute to this growing concern. Let’s delve into this issue and discuss how we can shift the tide.

From Self-Growth to External Achievements

Think back to our own childhood. Our aspirations were centered around personal development, learning, and self-enhancement. We strived to evolve into better versions of ourselves. However, over time, the focus shifted. We began to pursue external indicators of success such as wealth, social media validation, accolades, and academic accomplishments. These became our benchmarks, which we inadvertently passed on to our children.

The Ever-Changing Goalposts

Today’s children are navigating a sea of ever-changing expectations. They are expected to excel acadically, engage in numerous...

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Checklists: A Pilot’s Secret Weapon and a Parent’s Best Friend

Have you ever marveled at how pilots manage to fly complex aircraft safely? The secret lies in a deceptively simple tool: checklists!

In the world of aviation, checklists are more than just a mundane list of tasks. They are a critical lifeline that pilots rely on to ensure they don’t miss any crucial steps and that all systems function flawlessly. By following a systematic order, checklists make the process logical and prevent any steps from slipping through the cracks or being incorrectly set. But here’s the exciting part: this methodical approach isn’t exclusive to flying airplanes—it’s a strategy we can seamlessly integrate into our daily lives, especially as parents.

Checklists for Parents: A Low-Cost, High-Reward Solution

Just like pilots, we parents have an intricate and vital job to perform. Our responsibilities range from managing household chores to nurturing our children’s growth and well-being. Amidst the chaos of parenting, we can...

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The Day I Abandoned My Daughter

Uncategorized Apr 05, 2024

I want to share a deeply personal story with you, a story that changed my life forever. As a child and forensic psychiatrist, I always believed I was emotionally stable and calm. But one day, I discovered I had my own demons to face.

Several years ago, I experienced a day that still haunts me - the worst day of my parenting life, perhaps even my entire life. It was a day that shook me to my core and made me realize that I needed to change.

Imagine this: A young child, my child, left distraught, anxious, and crying in a bustling school car park as I drove away in a fit of anger. The image of her tear-streaked face in my rearview mirror, her hand reaching out, pleading ‘daddy please,’ is etched in my memory. I could see other children nearby, wondering who the heartless man in the car was. Yes, that was me.

That morning, I was anxious about an important meeting. My daughter, sensing my anxiety, began showing signs of not wanting to go to school. I was torn between my...

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Navigating the Silent Treatment: A Parent’s Guide

Navigating the Silent Treatment: A Parent’s Guide

Parenting is a journey, one that is filled with unique challenges. One such challenge that we often encounter is dealing with the silent treatment from our children. This can be a frustrating situation, but it’s important to remember that it’s not about us, even if it feels personal. It’s about their emotions—they might be overwhelmed, frustrated, or misunderstood, possibly lacking the words to articulate their feelings.

A Simple Framework

Before we delve into the silent treatment specifically, let’s talk about a simple framework that can guide us in reacting to confounding behaviors in a helpful way. This framework is based on giving our children the benefit of the doubt and asking two questions:

  1. What’s going on in the environment?
  2. What skills does my child need to deal with the environment?

This framework won’t guarantee perfect solutions, but it will keep you in reasonably good...

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Navigating Parenthood: The Art of Dad Jokes and Trust

Uncategorized Mar 17, 2024


As parents, we embark on a journey—a rollercoaster ride filled with love, laughter, and the occasional perplexity. Our goal? To forge meaningful connections with our children, to be their guiding stars in this vast universe.

Yet, there are moments when our efforts seem to yield minimal results, leaving us questioning our parenting prowess. We wonder, “Am I doing enough? Am I failing them somehow?” Fear not, my friends. Today, we address the elephant in the room—the legendary dad jokes (or mum jokes, if you prefer). Those quirky, eye-roll-inducing quips that somehow find their way into our conversations like mischievous elves.

The Absurd Magic of Dad Jokes

Let’s debunk a myth right away: Your dad joke repertoire isn’t the culprit behind any perceived communication gaps. In fact, I propose that dad jokes are the pinnacle of absurdist humor—a secret superpower, if you will. Picture this: You’re at the dinner table, and your...

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When to challenge our kids, and when to ease off

Uncategorized Feb 17, 2024

Are you tired of yelling at your kids, bribing them with candy, or threatening them with timeouts? Do you wish there was a better way to parent that doesn’t make you feel like a dictator or a doormat? Well, you’re in luck, because I have the perfect solution for you: empathic discipline!

Empathic discipline is a fancy term for a simple idea: treat your kids like human beings, not like robots or animals. Empathic discipline means that you pay attention to your kids’ feelings and needs, and help them learn how to deal with the world around them. Empathic discipline doesn’t mean that you let your kids do whatever they want, or that you never say no to them. It means that you say no with love, not with anger or fear.

How do you do that, you ask? Well, it’s easy. All you need to do is ask yourself two questions whenever you face a parenting challenge:

  • What are the pressures/demands/expectations in the environment?
  • What are the skills they need to...
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