Supporting Anxious Children: Empowering Carers/Parents with Proven Strategies

Helping Anxious Kids Thrive

Expert Tips from a Child Psychiatrist


Humour and parenting: Secret weapon

funny humour Aug 26, 2024

A recent study published in PLOS ONE has attempted to answer the age-old question: "Does humour have a role in parenting?" ... it seems the answer is "yes, but..."


Most respondents reckon, humour can be an effective parenting tool, with more potential benefits than harm. Many even expressed interest in a course on how to use humour in parenting. *ahem. empathy and timing are key...I wonder where one can learn more about that  


However, before we all rush off to enrol in stand-up comedy classes, we must consider a few limitations of this study. The sample size was relatively small (312 respondents) and predominantly male (63.6%) and white (76.6%). One might suggest that the researchers were studying the "dad joke" phenomenon rather than humour in parenting as a whole.


Moreover, the study relies heavily on self-reporting and retrospective assessments. Memory can be a fickle friend, especially when it comes to childhood experiences. It's possible that those...

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Navigating Life's Uncertainties: A Reflection

anxiety empathic guidance Aug 26, 2024

Today, after dropping off my children at school, I found myself reflecting on an incident. A young girl had fallen and grazed her knee. As she cried, seemingly more from embarrassment than pain, an adult comforted her, praising her bravery and encouraging her to continue. While the adult’s intentions were undoubtedly good, I pondered how the approach could have been slightly different.


I firmly believe that as adults, our role is to prepare children for life’s journey, not to smooth their path. This concept is beautifully articulated in Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt’s book ‘The Coddling of the American Mind’. However, it’s essential to recognise that everyone experiences pain. It’s not about dwelling in discomfort or letting it hinder us, but rather acknowledging our children’s feelings when they’re hurt, then offering reassurance and guidance for what lies ahead.

The Coddling of the American Mind

This brings me to...

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Unlocking Your Child’s Heart: Proven Strategies to Help Anxious Kids Share Their Feelings!

As parents, we often find ourselves at a loss when our children struggle with anxiety. We want to help, but it can be challenging to get them to open up about their experiences and feelings. The key to supporting your anxious child lies in asking the right questions and creating a safe, non-judgmental space for them to express themselves. In this blog post, we'll explore a variety of questions you can use to encourage your child to talk about their anxiety, as well as strategies for dealing with common roadblocks like the silent treatment or "I don't know" responses.

Understanding the Importance of Communication

Before we get into specific questions, let’s get a better understanding of why open communication about anxiety is so important. We don’t want to simply ignore it but at the same time we don’t need to ‘pander to it’ - ideally, we want our children to feel like we ‘get it’ but we also want them to build skills to help them face up to...

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The Long-Term Effects of Untreated Anxiety in Children

anxiety prevention Aug 22, 2024

Anxiety in children often hides behind more visible issues, yet its long-term effects are profound and far-reaching.


The Rising Tide of Anxiety


Anxiety among children has been steadily increasing. According to the CDC, approximately 9.4% of children aged 3-17 years had diagnosed anxiety between 2016-2019. Recent studies indicate that about 20.5% of youth worldwide now struggle with anxiety symptoms. This rise is concerning and demands our attention.


The Silent Struggle


One of the most challenging aspects of anxiety in children is its often silent nature. Unlike physical ailments, anxiety can be hidden behind a facade of normalcy. Children may lack the vocabulary to express their fears or fear being misunderstood or dismissed. This silence delays treatment, allowing anxiety to fester and grow.


Academic and Social Impacts


The consequences of untreated anxiety extend into the classroom and playground. Anxiety can make it difficult for children...

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Understanding Childhood Fears vs. Anxiety: A Guide for Parents

Ok. It's 2 AM, and you're jolted awake by a blood-curdling scream. Your heart races as you dash to your child's room, expecting to find a burglar or perhaps a particularly menacing spider. Instead, you're greeted by your six-year-old, trembling under the covers, insisting there's a scary thing in the wardrobe. Is this normal childhood fear, or should you ring the local child psychologist at this ungodly hour?

 Well, according to a recent survey by the UK's National Health Service, approximately 7% of children aged 5-19 have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. That's roughly two children in every primary school classroom grappling with more than just typical childhood worries.

But how do you distinguish between something that's a normal childhood worry and something more sinister? 

We'll examine this in parts...


The Nature of Childhood Fears

Before we start labelling every under-the-bed monster as a sign of impending doom, let's take a moment to...

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Being a perfectly imperfect parent

perfection Aug 18, 2024

Embracing the Beautiful Chaos: A Guide for the Perfectly Imperfect Parent


Word up frazzled parents of the world! 

Let’s talk. Again. About the glorious mess that is parenting. Now, before you roll your eyes and think, "Oh great, another parenting expert telling me how to raise my kids," let me assure you – I'm not here to add to your already towering pile of guilt and self-doubt. No, today we're going to embrace the chaos, laugh at our mistakes, and maybe, just maybe, feel a bit better about this whole parenting lark.


The Myth of the Perfect Parent


Let's start with a shocking revelation: perfect parents don't exist. I know, I know, it's hard to believe when your social media feed is full of immaculately dressed children eating organic, hand-crafted lunches while simultaneously learning Mandarin and advanced calculus. But trust me, behind those carefully curated posts is a parent just like you, probably wearing yesterday's clothes and wondering...

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A Wake-Up Call: Prevention of Mental Health Problems Starts at Home 🏠

A recent article in The Lancet highlights the alarming prevalence of multimorbidity among individuals with severe mental illness, underscoring the need for comprehensive care. These are things we already knew but have now been tactfully validated by the good authors of this paper.

But to me… here’s the crux:

Prevention MUST start at home.

When children are well-connected with their families, they are less likely to fall into the traps of phone addiction, substance abuse, and youth crime.

Some Key Takeaways from The Lancet Article

  • Prevalence of Multimorbidity: People with severe mental illness, such as schizophrenia-spectrum disorder and bipolar disorder, face higher rates of both physical and psychiatric multimorbidity compared to those without severe mental illness. [Go figure!]
  • Impact on Health Outcomes: The presence of multiple chronic conditions significantly worsens health outcomes for individuals with severe mental illness.
  • Younger Populations at Higher Risk:...
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The Parenting Tightrope: Balancing Empathy and Challenge

Uncategorized Aug 16, 2024

Kia ora, fellow parents!


The following is a summary of stuff I talk about on Episode 99 of the Parenting with Huddle Wisdom Podcast. A bit of an accompanying cheat sheet if you will which you can share and print for the main points. 


Balancing Respect for Individuality and Encouraging Potential


Respecting our children’s individuality while simultaneously encouraging them to reach their full potential is a challenging task. Here’s how we can approach it effectively:


Empathy: The Key to Positive Parenting


Empathy transforms us from mere authority figures into relatable human beings in our children’s eyes. It allows us to connect with them, understand their struggles, and validate their feelings. Empathy is about recognizing that a child’s frustration over tying shoelaces is as significant to them as our frustrations with complex tasks. It shows our...

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Positive Parenting Leads to Less Aggressive Children

empathy Aug 12, 2024

Well, parents, it looks like science has confirmed what many of us suspected: being kind and understanding towards our children can actually lead to less aggressive behaviour. Who knew parenting could be so straightforward?

A recent study has shed light on the impact of different parenting styles on preschoolers' behaviour. Turns out, the "authoritarian" approach - you know, the one where parents channel their inner drill sergeant - might not be the best way to go. Surprisingly (or not), this style is linked to higher levels of aggressive behaviour in young children.

But don't worry, there's good news too! The study highlights the benefits of "authoritative" parenting - a balanced approach that combines high expectations with emotional support. It's like being a firm but friendly teacher who also offers a listening ear. This style seems to lead to more positive behavioural outcomes.

Here's something interesting: the research suggests that fostering empathy in children can act as...

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Stop Sibling Fighting: Because Selling Your Kids Isn't Legal

Ah, sibling rivalry. That delightful phenomenon that turns your lovingly crafted home into a WWE arena faster than you can say, "Don't make me come up there!" If you're reading this, chances are you've contemplated soundproofing your house or, on particularly trying days, wondered if child-swapping is an option. (Spoiler alert: it's not.)

But fear not, fellow parenting warriors! I, Davin Tan, in a moment of what can only be described as sleep-deprived brilliance, have penned a guide to help you navigate these treacherous waters. It's called "Stop Sibling Fighting: A Parent's Guide to Sibling Harmony", and it's absolutely FREE. Yes, you read that correctly. FREE. No hidden charges, no need to remortgage your house or trade in your favourite child.

This guide is packed with practical advice on how to transform your home from a gladiatorial arena into... well, a slightly less chaotic gladiatorial arena. Let's be realistic here, shall we?

What will you learn, you ask? Well, buckle up,...

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