Supporting Anxious Children: Empowering Carers/Parents with Proven Strategies

Helping Anxious Kids Thrive

Expert Tips from a Child Psychiatrist


Supporting Anxious Neuroatypical Kids at School

Imagine a student who is the epitome of decorum and respect in school, but at home, they transform into a whirlwind of emotions. This scenario is not uncommon for neurodiverse children who often remain unnoticed in educational environments. They are like hidden icebergs, their struggles concealed beneath the surface, invisible to those unfamiliar with their circumstances.


These children often employ a strategy known as ‘masking’, where they exert significant mental energy to conceal their difficulties. Sometimes it’s a conscious effort; other times, it’s an instinctive defense mechanism. Their objective? To blend in, to appear ‘normal’, to avoid being singled out.


Unfortunately, neurodiverse children are more susceptible to mental health issues. So, how can we support them? Let’s delve into some strategies.


Building Bridges of Empathy


The first step is fostering open communication between parents and educators....

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Understanding Neurodiversity: A Parent’s Perspective

As parents, we often traverse the intricate landscape of child-rearing, equipped with a blend of instinct, generational wisdom, and expert guidance. However, when it comes to comprehending neurodiversity, it can feel as though we’re venturing into unknown terrain. This is primarily because neurodiversity, a relatively novel concept, challenges conventional perceptions of neurological development. It encourages us to shift our viewpoint from viewing certain neurological conditions as ‘disorders’ to recognising them as merely different ways of perceiving the world.

Understanding neurodiversity can be intimidating due to its extensive scope. It encompasses a broad range of neurological differences, each with its distinct characteristics and challenges. As parents, it’s vital for us to learn about these differences to support our children and advocate for them in various social environments like schools and local communities.

So, What is Neurodiversity?


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Fighting anxiety one step at a time: Graded Hierachies for Parents

 As parents, our role in our children’s lives is multifaceted, but perhaps the most crucial aspect is the bond we share with them. This connection is the foundation upon which we can build resilience against anxiety. Today, we’re sharing the Graded Hierarchy Method, a step-by-step approach that is supercharged by the strength of your relationship with your child.


The Cornerstone of Trust:

Before diving into the method, it’s essential to understand that trust and security are the currency of any relationship, especially with your anxious child. Like money in the bank, these elements of connection ensure that you have the emotional credit to support your child through the costly process of fighting anxiety. Without a strong bond, you risk overdrafting on this account, leading to potential damage or conflict within your relationship.


Understanding Anxiety Triggers:

Identifying what sparks your child’s anxiety is the first step. Here are...

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How concerned should I be about my children's mental health?

The Indispensable Role of Parents in Addressing Children’s Mental Health

Parents are not just caregivers; they are the pillars of support and the first line of defense in their children’s mental health. Their role is pivotal and multifaceted, and here’s why:

  1. Early Intervention: Parents, being the closest to their children, are often the first to notice any changes in their child’s behavior or mood. They can detect and address mental health issues at an early stage, leading to more effective treatment. This early intervention can prevent conditions from escalating, making parents a crucial part of the solution.

  2. Mitigating Long-term Impact: Childhood experiences can have a lasting impact on an individual’s future. Mental health problems during childhood can lead to challenges in adulthood, including difficulties with relationships, education, and employment. By being vigilant about their children’s mental health, parents can help them...

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Parenting: It’s Not a Sprint, It’s a Comedy Marathon!

Uncategorized May 27, 2024

Ever feel like you’re in a reality show where your kids are the judges? Well, Ohio State University has some news for you: “Ease up! Perfection is a myth!”

Trying to be the superhero of parenting is like signing up for a marathon without any training. It’s tiring, stressful, and honestly, who enjoys running that much? This “all or nothing” approach is not just unrealistic, it’s harmful to you and your little ones.

In a survey of over 700 parents (who were likely seeking refuge in the bathroom), 57% confessed to feeling burned out. That’s more than half! And here’s the twist: this burnout is linked to everything from our self-image as parents to the state of our homes. Who knew that laundry mountain could be so destructive?

And let’s discuss the impact on our kids. When they’re grappling with mental health issues, we feel the strain even more. It’s a relentless cycle of stress, stern parenting, and more stress....

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School Avoidance and Anxiety: A Collaborative Approach

anxiety school refusal May 15, 2024

School avoidance and anxiety are intricate challenges that necessitate a collective approach, uniting the child, family, school, and mental health professionals. In my experience, triumph is rarely accomplished without this joint effort.

The Emotional Toll of School Avoidance

School avoidance is an emotionally laden issue that can inflict significant distress on all parties involved. Parents often vacillate between feelings of confusion and frustration. One day everything appears fine, the next it’s in chaos. We might find ourselves exclaiming, ‘We’ve been through this!’, ‘You went yesterday’, ‘What’s the problem now?’ (expressing frustration rather than seeking the problem), ‘I need to get to work’, ‘Stop playing around. You are being selfish’, ‘This is unacceptable’, ‘If you don’t get in the car, I’m going to have to drag you kicking and screaming’. The guilt...

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School Bullying, Parental Anger, and the Power of Empathy

bullying empathy May 13, 2024

The issue of school bullying is one that can stir a tempest of emotions in the hearts of parents. Witnessing or learning about someone causing harm to your child can evoke a primal anger, a fierce protective instinct. However, in the midst of these stormy feelings, it's crucial to anchor ourselves with empathy and understanding, both for our children's sake and our own. Here's how we can navigate these turbulent waters, turning our anger into action and empathy into empowerment

Understanding Parental Anger

First, it's important to acknowledge that anger, in the face of your child's suffering, is a natural response. It signifies your deep love and concern. However, the way we handle this anger can make a significant difference in the outcome for our children. Anger, when channeled constructively, can motivate us to take positive steps. Left unchecked, it can cloud our judgment and hinder our ability to provide the support our children need.

Channeling Anger into Advocacy

1. Educate...

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Empathetic Parenting: A Key to Reducing Children's School Anxiety

Uncategorized May 13, 2024


In the bustling hallways of our children's schools, beneath the laughter and chatter, lies an often-unseen struggle: school anxiety. It's a challenge that many children face, yet it remains shrouded in silence. As parents and caregivers, the role we play in navigating and alleviating this anxiety is monumental. The cornerstone of our approach? Empathetic parenting.

Understanding School Anxiety

School anxiety can manifest in various forms, from butterflies in the stomach on the first day of school to overwhelming stress about exams or social situations. It's a natural response to the pressures of academic and social expectations. However, when anxiety begins to interfere with a child's ability to learn and enjoy school, it becomes a concern that needs addressing.

The Power of Empathetic Parenting

Empathetic parenting is about more than just understanding our children's feelings; it's about stepping into their shoes and experiencing the world from their perspective. This...

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Books about kids with anxiety who refuse school

Uncategorized May 08, 2024

If you're looking for some great mother's days gifts ideas or just gift ideas in general. Or just wanting something excellent to read for yourself or your household. 

Here are some excellent books that can help parents support their anxious children who refuse to attend school:


1. "The Opposite of Worry: The Playful Parenting Approach to Childhood Anxieties and Fears": This book provides practical strategies for parents dealing with anxious kids. It emphasizes a playful approach to addressing childhood worries and fears.

2. “Anxious Kids” by Michael Grose and Dr. Jodi Richardson: This book offers a new perspective on children’s anxiety, encouraging parents to view each episode as an opportunity to empower their kids with skills to manage anxiety and thrive. It covers topics like emotional intelligence, mindfulness, and resilience.

3. "What to Do When You Worry Too Much: A Kid’s Guide to Overcoming Anxiety": Geared toward early readers,...

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Unraveling the Knots of Childhood Anxiety: A Guide for Parents

anxiety parenting May 05, 2024

Hello there, fellow parents, caregivers, and accidental web surfers who’ve stumbled upon this blog. I’m your friendly neighborhood psychiatrist, armed with a cup of lukewarm coffee and a keyboard that’s seen better days. Today, we’re going to delve into the world of childhood anxiety. Now, don’t panic! We’re in this together.

Understanding Childhood Anxiety

Anxiety in children is a bit like a monster under the bed. It’s often invisible, but it can cause a whole lot of chaos. It’s a normal part of growing up, but when it starts interfering with day-to-day life, it becomes a disorder.

Children with anxiety disorders often have emotional outbursts, show a lot of avoidance, and might try to escape or hide. They may also experience physical symptoms like stomachaches, headaches, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, or sleep issues.

What Causes Anxiety in Children?

The main cause of childhood anxiety is as elusive as my coffee mug on a...

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Meaningful Bonds for Lasting Influence


Struggling to communicate with your children?

Learn ways to support them even when words fail.